Cap Toolbars are displayed in AutoCAD with question marks.
To overcome this the Cap menu files will need to be removed and rebuilt.
1. Type MENULOAD on the command line and press enter.
2. Highlight CAPDESIGNER and click Unload.
2. Highlight CAPDESIGNER and click Unload.
3. Close the Window and then shut down AutoCAD completely. (save any work as needed)
4. Open the Windows File Explorer.
4. Open the Windows File Explorer.
5. Type %APPDATA% in the address line and then press enter. This is a shortcut that will navigate you to the following path: C:\Users\<User Profile>\AppData\Roaming
6. From this area, double-click to go into the CAP folder.
5. Delete all the “CAPDesigner” named files in this folder.
6. Reopen AutoCAD and type CAP on the command line. This should trigger the menus to rebuild and the icons should once again display properly.
Notice for legacy AutoCAD 2019. The initial release of AutoCAD 2019 had a software bug that would cause the toolbars to revert to question marks each time it was opened. This was later fixed by an update. If the above process only fixes the issue until you next reopen AutoCAD 2019 then you need to apply the AutoCAD 2019.1.2 update to permanently correct the issue. This update can be downloaded via your Autodesk Desktop Application or by logging into your Autodesk Account. You can verify your version of AutoCAD typing About on the command line and pressing enter. Look for the product version to read AutoCAD 2019.1.2